Christmas 2013



Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.,  ICPAINC

Altamura International Voice Academy

 Union City, New Jersey

A subsidiary of the Altamura Center for the Arts, Round Top, New York 

Looking back to 2013, some of it planned and some unplanned, it can be said that we covered much territory.   Of course, the second Agnes Varis grant of $50,000 helped us immensely.  What a pleasure it is to have been able to help numerous talents, especially in this punishing economy.   We received thanks upon thanks from the artists who did not expect anything and who did not know how they were going to continue their vocal coaching.  Truly, this is faith in action, to receive something hoped for and for which there is no evidence.   This is why we tell our young artists to persevere, for we do not know what awaits us at the next turn.

This past summer, we produced Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana to a full-capacity audience.  Stage directed by Camille Coppola, it was artistically a great success.

Many friends, from Ieri  Oggi  Domani, a long-standing Italian American organization from New Jersey, came by bus, 90 in all.  We cannot thank them enough for supporting us for the second year, thanks to Giulio Picolli, President, and his administration.  And what about our Greene County friends?  By word of mouth, they too continue to grow in number.  Several of them are active as volunteers.  They are a blessing.  To these, we express deep appreciation.   Every year, we enter new and uncharted territory, but with God’s Divine Providence, we manage to complete our work.  THANK YOU!.  You will always have a place in our hearts.

In this journey of trust and faith, we concluded the year on December 8 with a soiree that featured voice students and artists from the USA, Canada, Italy and Greece.  Some came asking for a scholarship.  In order to find a solution to this request, too painful for us to refuse, we formed a voice academy with a fully developed curriculum, a requirement needed by the Fulbright Program.  In addition, after students begin to improve in development, we offer three more years of applied studies, with repertoire appropriate to each voice’s category.  Without wanting, expecting or imagining, we find ourselves now with a new program, the Altamura International Voice Academy, a subsidiary of the Altamura Center for the Arts, funded by the Agnes Varis Foundation and Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.  May that same Divine Providence provide us with the energy to keep up with so many demands.

On a personal note, my daughter Cristina is preparing to concertize in Canada.  Her husband, Dr. Adam Sliwinski, and his associates, So Percussion, continue their innovative performances to sold-out Carnegie Hall audiences.  Not bad!  Adam is on the faculties of Bard College and guest teacher at Princeton University.  For some people, success is not intoxicating – a rare occurrence.  When invited to our home, Adam still offers to wash dishes after a meal.  He even offered to group my recipes in a cook book.

Finally, after much struggle, prayers and sighing, my son Lenny, who six years ago received a new kidney donated by his wife Iris, earned national honors for his excellence in Computer Science/Information Technology and Studies in Network Security. The next step is landing a satisfying job!  Good luck Lenny!  Your parents are so proud of you!  My daughter-in-law Iris, more secure now with her English, is working at Provident Bank.  Good for you, Iris!

I nearly forgot. The Giuseppe Verdi Parade in New York City was well attended as were the Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition finals that followed at the Christ and St. Stephen Church.  The level of excellence was so exceptionally high, that our request to the Agnes Varis Foundation for additional funding was quickly and favorably received.  Within one week, the trustees sent an additional $10,000 to distribute, $1,000 each among the ten finalists.  PRIZES: 1ST. $12,500 – 2ND. $7,500 3RD.  $5,000.  It must be noted that this year, our eminent jury, Maestro Anton Coppola, Krzysztof Biernacki, Maria Knapik, Roger Malouf, Lewis Ehlers, Francisco Casanova, Camille Coppola, myself and my husband Leonard,  spent three hours making final decisions.  What a dedicated and most professional team!

A special word of appreciation to, Altamura and Crossin Law Offices

The Agnes Varis Foundation trustees, Sami Harawi, Paul Feuerman and George Svokos,

Robert Zaccone and the  Columbian Associations;   Dr. and Mrs. Michael Altamura;    Onofrio Petruzzella, President of Societa’ Unita;  Giulio Picolli  and administration of IERI  OGGI  DOMANI;  Dr. and Mrs. Mehdi Shaari;   Congressman Frank Guarini;  past patron, Jersey City Developer, Joseph Panepinto  America Oggi, Italian/American National Newspaper

Much appreciation to Natalia Quintavalle, Consul General of Italy in New York and  Giorgio Lipton, Founder/President , Verdi Square Festival   of the Arts at Verdi Square,  for facilitating the  ICPAINC’s  Verdi Parade at Verdi Square on October 6, 2013,  for their caring and generosity.

We warmly thank all of our most kind supporters and staff:   Angelica Llerena, Sonia Flecha, Lenny Altamura, Jr., Dror Navarro, Cristina Altamura, Marie Trotta and Lola Migliaccio.

We are truly blessed.   Merry Christmas and peace to all men of good will.  Let us hear from you! 

Leonard Altamura and Carmela Altamura, Founders

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[email protected] 

 Offices:  4000 Bergenline Ave, Union City, New Jersey and 404 Winter Clove Road, Round Top, New York 12473,  T. 201-863-8724



Sunday, August 23, 2:00 PM,  Summer Institute Music Festival with celebrated works

International Piano Duo extravaganza, Lorenzo Di Bella and Cristina Altamura

Sunday, August 31, 2014, 2 pm,  OPERA HITS

scenes, arias, duets, trios, quartettes from Mozart to early G. Verdi

Featuring winners of the

Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition, Verdi Edition

which took place in New York City this past October 6th, 2013

Inter-Cities Orchestra conducted by Roger Malouf, Metropolitan Opera.


See for updated info 


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Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of Italy and ecology

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is error, truth;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek

To be consoled as to console;

To be understood as to understand;

To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
