Congratulations On Your Play

I certainly was very moved and intrigued while watching your play today at Round Top. It was probably the most fitting performance to close your work at your center there. It was really excellent, and an indication of more to come.

Regarding the play — I am glad you added the section about the childhood relation of the young Verdi and Margherita, which was really beautifully done, and the stated shock of the death of Margherita and the children, and the descriptions of the young Verdi seeing the impact from the deaths during the war. This definitely suggested background regarding his personal turmoil. There were probably more changes that have been made, but I had not seen or heard the full play before today. I thought the acting was excellent all the way around, and the characters were really presented fully and exactly as Malouf said: “You really care about these people”. Yourself, Boito, Verdi and Santa were very strong. The music was wonderful, and the use of the chorus was just right, and the shift from comedy suddenly to tragedy was quite uncompromising and severe. As it was meant to be.

I was really surprised by the ending, and wonder how you thought to do this. The entire play shifts completely and irrevocably after the letter is read. And the letter is read very well. There is no going back, everything changes with the letter. And then the scene of Othello is played out, with Santa and Verdi and the character of Othello killing that which was most important to him – a curse, or a failing.

The message is the strength of the Verdi characters, and the tragedies they portray and present. It is interesting to consider what Verdi and Boito say in their discussion of presenting the Shakespeare characters, which they describe as having a character which is not “Italian”. I don’t remember exactly how you put it, but these sections were very quotable – it would be interesting to see the dialogue of the play.

I wondered what was the opera that Boito said they could not reveal …

In any case, congratulations on the determination of your work – you did seem exhausted and devastated as the play continued, and that fit the part powerfully. However, was this just excellent acting here? I am sure you are tired IN FACT, and now can take a 5minute break as you move onto the competition!

– Suzanne Klebe –

La Donna e’ Mobile, Giuseppe Verdi, Wola Wieclawska Country Club, Poland, Enrique Pina Tenor

Maestro David Maiullo at the Piano, krzysztof biernacki, baritone, presenter of the evening. Poland Tour for the World Peace organized by Carmela Altamura, President of the Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.



Dear Center Supporter,

2015 is going to be an EXCITING year here at the Altamura Center.. Our calendar is  already filled with a wonderful and diverse selection of performances…

  • APRIL 26th: Fundraiser for Center at Brandywine Restaurant 2-6
  • MAY 3rd: Mandolins & Celebrated Melodies Alla Napoletana
  • JULY 26th: Spain alla Rossini
  • AUGUST 23rd: “Il Matrimonio Segreto” (The Clandestine Marriage) Fully staged hilarious comedy opera orchestra directed by Francesco Santelli
  • SEPTEMBER 5th: “Lovers & Others” short play by Joe Bologna & Renee Taylor



This year we are offering a  SERIES PACKAGE for those wanting to attend all of the performances and save some money as well.

Each performance is held on a SUNDAY and includes a catered meal provided by local restaurants.

Book the ENTIRE SERIES  ( 4 performances)at one time and receive a 10% discount off the total amount.

If you are group of 10 or more, receive a 10% discount as well for the total amount. (PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LIST ALL NAMES BELOW)

Please place an  “X” next to the performance(s) you would like to attend. .and mail the bottom part back  completely  filled in.

Make your check payable to The Inter Cities Performing Arts Inc. and mail to :

Inter Cities Performing Arts Inc., 4000 Bergenline Avenue, Union City NJ 07087




____ May 3rd          Mandolins & Celebrated Melodies Alla Napoletana

___ June 28th          ALL THAT JAZZ (variety of Jazz performances)

___July 26th           “SPAIN alla ROSSINI “ and “LOVERS & OTHER STRANGERS”

___August 23rd      “IL MATRIMONIO SEGRETO” (The Clandestine Marriage) Comedy

___September 5th       “Lovers & Other Strangers”



NUMBER OF PEOPLE________ PHONE #___________________

EMAIL_______________________________________________ ( for confirmation)


For questions or more information please call  518-622-0070



As we come to the end of another year, we leave behind unexpected endings and look forward to unimagined beginnings . Due to the challenging times, one can easily fall into discouragement. But around the corner there is always the unexpected– Divine Providence. Many of you insisted that we should forge ahead, but with a leaner budjet and programs that could appeal to a wider range of tastes. The two experiments, October 5th with Broadway Dinner Theatre and Christmas Around the World, proved to be successful.
As suggested,we have created a list of programs which should appeal to all tastes, classical and popular. Thus we ask that you reach out to all with an invitation to join us. Once they come, we are sure they will return because nowhere can excellence presented in a pleasing environment be found at such friendly prices.

A glimpse of what lies ahead: 2015

  • A fund raiser for the Center offered by Brandy Wine Restaurant, of Windham, New York, some time in late April, date to be announced.
  • Mandolins and Celebrated Melodies Alla Napoletana, May 3rd
  • And All That JAZZ!! June 28th
  • Spain alla Rossini, July 26th
  • The Clandestine Marriage, “Il Matrimonio Segreto” by D. Cimarosa, a fully staged hillarious comedy opera with orchestra directed by Francesco Santelli, August 23rd
  • A short play, Strangers and Other Lovers, by Joe Bologna and Renee Taylor, August 29th

As for myself, at the invitation of Simonetta Tancredi, pianist/opera coach of La Scala, on May 7-14, I will be giving a Master Classe in Rome, Italy. On October 22 to 25, 2015, we will produce the 14th International Altamura/Caruso Voice Competition , at Christ and St. Stephens Concert Hall, New York City. (All are invited) Though two hours away, the discovery and validation of new voices is most exciting. (Vans can be provided for those who wish to attend.)

2015 competition winners in concert in Rome, A CONCERT FOR WORLD PEACE

  • Winners in concert in Venice
  • Winners in concert in Krakow, Poland

Attractive travel packages are available upon request

You may inquire at getting a subscription of all performances at 10% discount

Let us know if you wish to volunteer. You are needed and appreciated. 10% discount is offered to volunteers. For preferred seating, please reserve early.


4000 Bergenline Ave 404 Winter Clove Road Union City, NJ 07087 Round Top, NY 12473 201-863-8724

A donation to help us prepare for the programs that lie ahead is greatly appreciated. `NYS – 222372 NJ – 222 879 137

A Special Thank You !

The Agnes Varis Foundation, to our volunteers, audience, and many generous friends.





The Altamura Center will be printing a Journal that will be handed out at each performance throughout the ENTIRE 2015 Season.

A journal ad is a wonderful way to advertise your business, show your support for The Altamura Center, the performing arts, or to wish someone well. And it is seen by a very wide audience.

Ad sizes are listed below… Please check off the size ad you would like to purchase. Make your check payable to: INTER CITIES PERFORMING ARTS , 4000 Bergenline Avenue, Union City NJ 07087

PLEASE INCLUDE: Ad copy, business card (camera ready) or picture.

_____ $200.                  1/8 page

_____ $350.         ¼ page  AND 1 FREE ticket to a performance of your choice

_____$600.          ½ page AND 2 FREE tickets to a performance of your choice

_____$1000.      Full Page and 4 FREE tickets to a performance(s) of your choice

Your donation is tax deductible and a receipt will be provided for all monies/checks received.

Please show your support for this wonderful GEM that we have right here in our own backyard.


For more information please call

 M.A. Tarpinian

 Event Director   518-610-3332

Fundraising Letter January 2015

January 2015

Dear Friends and Supporters of Inter-Cities,

Good health and happiness to you all in the coming year!

2015 is rich with plans and events, and we want to share some of them with you. Two events are very much worth noting: First, on October 25, 2015 in New York City, we are holding the 14th Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition. This segues into the second event – performances in Venice, Rome and southern Poland of Peruvian composer, Alejandro Allauca’s, beautiful Missa Andina with the 2015 Altamura Competition winners as soloists. This magnificent work for piano, organ, choir and vocal soloists, has already been performed in Milan, Spain, Peru and the United States.

Discussions are under way to perform the Missa Andina also at the Vatican.

It is worth noting that Inter-Cities, our company under whose umbrella the Altamura/Caruso Competition takes place, has always steadfastly adhered to our founding principles of social justice and reverence for life. We support deserving, young talented musicians who reflect these values in their careers. Read on, because this has particular significance.

As many of you know, Auschwitz is located near Krakow, and 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of its liberation. On the occasion of Poland’s Independence and the American Veterans’ Day, and with our founding principles firmly in mind, we can think of nothing more appropriate than to perform Maestro Allauca’s Missa Andina there. Our program, “In Remembrance, Never Again,” will be dedicated to the memory of those who perished there so many years ago. We feel humbled to be able to present some of the world’s finest musical talents, joined by our recent competition winners, for this momentous performance.

As always, supporting and launching the careers of deserving young musicians from around the world is costly. We’ve been very fortunate to have been awarded a considerable grant from the Agnes Varis Foundation. But to provide opportunities for young singers while participating in a once-in-a-lifetime event such as this, we need further financial resources to help us cover transportation and housing costs, musicians’ fees, hall rentals, and so much more.

Our European tour is of tremendous importance, affording valuable experience and exposure for our young winners. All those who have signed on to help will receive grateful acknowledgement in our programs. Further, we hope you will gain satisfaction in knowing that, while supporting young deserving talent, we are also imparting the values of tolerance, compassion, dignity, reverence for life – and doing what is right. We can think of no project that more adequately, more powerfully, more beautifully addresses these principles than Maestro Allauca’s Missa Andina.

We hope you will join us in adding your name to those who are contributing to this noble cause and occasion. Know that every dollar you contribute will support deserving young musicians while helping to make the world the place we want it to be.

With our deepest thanks,

Leonard and Carmela Altamura
Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.
4000 Bergenline Avenue
Union City, New Jersey 07087

T: 201-863-8724
E: [email protected] or [email protected]



2015-Competition_Page_1 2015-Competition_Page_3

New York; Rome; VATICAN; KATOWICE; Krakow

Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.

presents the

International Voice Competition  2015

First Prize ad memoriam licia albanese, 1909 – 2014


$30,000 Cash Grants + Performances in us and abroad

Winners in Concerts:  Rome, Venice, Krakow also in  in 2016


Carmela Altamura, president, founder/director, ICPA, Inc.

Simonetta Tancredi, finals judge, former pianist/opera coach, Teatro Alla Scala

Lewis Ehlers, finals judge, Lombardo & Associates, New York

Roger Malouf, finals judge, Metropolitan Opera

Krzysztof Biernacki, professor of voice and opera, University of North Florida

Maria Pellegrini, soprano, Metropolitan Opera

Maria Knapik, internationally-awarded soprano

Katherine Montgomery, musicologist and critic

Leonarda Priori, founder, Chelsea Opera, New York City

Requirements and Application:  See Altocanto on You Tube

[email protected]   Fax:  201-866-3566   Tel:  201-863-8724


Deadline: OCTOBER 5, 2015

Preliminaries:  October 22/23, 2015, 10 to 5 pm

Audition site:  122 West 69th St., New York City


Please read carefully


From its establishment in 1988, the bi-annual Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition abolished age limits.  Aware that existing limits did not allow for the late-maturing, dramatic voice, and by careful scrutiny of more mature applicants’ achievements, the founders decided to open the door of opportunity to more mature as well as younger singers.   Much consideration will be given to all applicants’ achievements within the last five years of his/her career.


  1. Applicants must email a RESUME and a HEAD SHOT PHOTO, as attachments, to: [email protected]

Please Note:  The head shot should be a high resolution (300 dpi minimum) photo, preferably in jpg format. The dimensions of the photo should be at least 5″ x 7″.  High resolution photos are necessary for print publications.  Low resolution photos are acceptable ONLY if they have large dimensions (e.g. at least 20″x 30″). Please note: DO NOT use a photo taken from a website or taken with a cell phone and converted to 300 dpi.  It will not print properly.  If you are not capable of doing this yourself, please ask for technical assistance from someone who is able to help you.  Please be sure that your photo jpg is labeled with your NAME and VOICE CLASSIFICATION.

  1. Applicants must include a $100 FEE (check or money order only) made payable to: Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.

Address to:

Mrs. Carmela Altamura
Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.
4000 Bergenline Avenue
Union City, NJ 07087



  1. Be prepared to sing FIVE arias in the original key and language. One aria will be chosen by the contestant and a second aria by the jury.  Aria with cabaletta must be presented in its entirety.
  2. Be prepared to sing ONE work from the Art Song literature.
  3. Include ONE ARIA by Mozart, in the original key and language


  • Applicants must be prepared to sing a full recital upon 24-hour notice.
  • Finalists will be recorded and videotaped for YouTube. By applying to this competition, participants agree to be recorded and videotaped for YouTube and other media.
  • Finalists must be present at the stage rehearsal, which will be announced following the preliminaries.
  • You may bring your own pianist. If you need a pianist, please let us know in advance and one will be provided for you.



About This Competition:   In 1988, two philanthropists, soprano Carmela Altamura and attorney Leonard Altamura, founded the Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition.  Created for singers on the threshold of an international career, the competition functions under the umbrella of its parent non-profit, Inter-Cities Performing Arts, Inc.   The competition immediately established itself by instituting the then-unheard-of policy of abolishing age requirements.  Aware that existing limits did not allow for the late-maturing, dramatic voice, and by careful scrutiny of more mature applicants’ achievements, the founders decided to trust their instincts by opening the door of opportunity to more mature as well as to younger singers.  This policy paid off in unexpected dividends.  Competition winners Angela Brown, soprano, Audrey Stottler, soprano, and Kim Josephson, baritone, went on to sing title roles at the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, and New York City Opera, while Heather Myers, contralto, Eugenie Grunewald, mezzo soprano, Anna Shafajinskaya, soprano, and Lawrence Harris, baritone, performed title roles at the Vienna Staatsoper, Berlin State Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Houston Grand Opera, San Francisco Opera, and other major opera houses of the world.  Another competition innovation included behind-screen auditions, following the age- and colorblind policies of major world orchestras.  Regarded as a radical new step at the time, this practice was soon adopted by other prestigious voice competitions throughout the world.  The Altamura Competition has taken place in Italy, Gibraltar, New Jersey, New York City, upstate New York, and Canada.

State of N.J.I.D. 222-879-137/000      NY State:  F.I.D., # 222372



Enjoy a performance of enchanting opera arias with singers, orchestra, and dancers in traditional Venetian masks and 18th century costumes! performed by the winners of the Altamura/Caruso International Voice Competition.
Musica in Maschera is an entertaining concert performance, combining the art of melodrama and the mysterious and enchanted world of Venetian masks. The musicians and singers are chosen from the best Italian ensembles.
The extraordinary elegance of the dancers’ movements, the beauty of the music, and the atmosphere of the wonderful baroque Scuola Grande dei Carmini in the heart of Venice make this an unforgettable evening.

Altamura Center for Arts & Cultures – Short Video

The Altamura Center for Arts and Cultures, based in scenic Round Top, NY in the Catskill Mountains, offers a variety of music and theater programs during the summer and fall and hosts the annual Summer Institute – “Encounters with the Masters” during which master teachers hand down to and share their experience, knowledge and traditions with aspiring singers. The distinguished list of teachers who have participated includes: the late actress Celeste Holmes, opera stars Licia Albanese, Jerome Hines, Giovanna Canetti, Maria Bertolino, Virginia Zeani and the American icon maestro Anton Coppola.